Saturday, July 6, 2013

Unexpected Interruptions of the Heart

Looking back at my posts, I see that there is a large gap between this time last year and when I started posting again, and I thought it might be helpful to explain what happened.  Life has a tendency to go happily along like a butterfly flitting from one flower to another and on to the next, and then, WHAM! a bird swoops in and bites it in the butt.

On June 29th of 2012, I went to the courthouse to pay the taxes and renew the tag on my pickup and, coming out and down the steps, I felt sick to my stomach.  Naturally, I thought, like anyone else would, it was the idea of paying out money that would be wasted and misused, that I could've put to good use elsewhere as needed in my life.  Then, again, everyone around here knows what a pain in the backside our courthouse can be.  So, when I got to my pickup, I thought if I sat for just a bit I would get to feeling better, but after a few short minutes, the feeling that something was very wrong told me that I should drive the few blocks to my doctor's office and ask them to check my blood pressure.

I must have looked exceptionally ill, because they ushered me directly into an exam room and, instead of simply taking my blood pressure, they hooked me up to an EKG machine.  A short strip of paper later, the nurse exited and then came back in and started unhooking me from the machine.  Then, another nurse came in and told me the doctor wanted me to go to the ER at the hospital and have some blood work done.  So, I left the doctor's office and drove to the hospital, went to the ER, and told them my doctor had sent me.

They were expecting me and had a bay in the ER reserved just for me; apparently my doctor had called over before I arrived.  However, instead of drawing blood for tests, I was assaulted by three or four nurses all at once.  One hooked me up to another EKG, while another showed up with an aspirin for me to take, and another tried to start an IV, and yet another gave me a pill to put under my tongue.  Then, this ER physician came in and said there was an ambulance on its way and it would be taking me to Wichita.

Just in case you are reading this from a part of the world that was not in the grip of the drought of that Summer, let me explain that my air conditioner had not been working, and so, I had windows open at home and I was certain that if I was going to Wichita, it would not be a short trip, and I was afraid it would rain while I was gone.  I explained to those in charge of the ER that one of the windows was directly above my breaker box, and I needed to close it or the house could burn down.  After arguing with them for longer than it would take to go home, close it, and return, they finally agreed to let me go AMA if I could call someone to take me.

I just so happen to have a very special friend who will do almost anything for me, so I called him and asked if he would come to the hospital and bail me out of the ER.  When he arrived, I explained that I wanted to take my pickup home, rather than leave it in the ER parking lot, needed to close the attic window and disconnect my computer, in case of a storm while I was gone, and then have him bring me back to the ER so they could send me to Wichita.  I could tell that he was confused, but I rushed him out of the hospital as quickly as I could, and told him to just follow me home, I would explain when we got there.  When we got to my house, I told him to be very patient and I would be right back out, but that I was going to take my time and go to the attic and close the window, and then come back down.

Everyone should have such a friend as John; laid-back, cool-headed, patient beyond reason.  And while I apparently took too much time going up to the third-floor attic and back down - he was concerned enough to come check on me - he had made it up the driveway and not quite to the door before I hollered out that I would only be a minute more shutting off my computer.  And I'm not certain he was all too happy with me by the time he had gotten me back to the hospital, but he never made a scene of it, nor did he ever mention it to me.  Besides, he would have been more upset had I needed help and hollered at someone else.  Such a precious friend.

I hated calling my sister while she was at work; a new job out of town and all, but I figured I had just enough time to let her know what was going on and where I was being taken, and I was surprised that she managed to make it to the ER before the ambulance.

Long story short of it is that I survived my second heart attack, although I did end up with one of those quadruple by-passes.  I spent a bit of a month at my sister’s house, and then, that precious friend who had helped me get home to close my windows… well, he ended up in the same hospital in Wichita to get a pacemaker implanted, and was back over there the next month for a bypass due to a heart attack.  We have so much in common.  But I should say that when such an event happens, one tends to forget things, and it truly can be nearly a year before you get your life back together enough to get back on schedule.  In fact, disrupted and interrupted as my life was, I forgot my password to get back in here, and though I have a little book in which it is written, the book has been misplaced.

I know I missed the 4th of July, fireworks and all, last year.  And I honestly don’t recall Thanksgiving or Christmas.  It has been slow going, but life goes on, and things are becoming more normal and manageable.  This year, I was late paying the taxes and renewing the tag on my pickup.  I didn’t care.  I waited until the 3rd of July, and when they pointed out that there would be a late penalty, I pointed out that I distinctly remembered the last time I had paid them, I had ended up at The Heart Hospital with a quadruple by-pass.  With my no nonsense attitude about it, that was the end of the conversation on the matter.

But it did make me think that I should check my posts here, and I’m glad I did.  It’s celebration time, as long about this time last year, I was getting out of the hospital and heading back home.  My one year anniversary, and the thought that there really is no place like home.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Free Download For Three Days

Warning! This novel contains some erotica and is open-ended.
FREE! Kindle ebook on Amazon! MINE! of course!

For those who might have missed it before and per my obligation in contract, "OF UNICORNS AND PEGASUSES..." will be a free download this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday (April 26-28) at
I have been told that after downloading this book, Amazon stores a history of it on your account.  Because my book contains some few very intimate scenes, it is classified as erotica, even though I like to think of it as a murder mystery with psychological twists.  After downloading, it is well-advised to delete the book from your account history.  Otherwise, Amazon will assume that you will desire to browse more books in the erotica genre.  Of course, if you prefer to read books from the erotica genre, by all means, Amazon will make overwhelming references to all they have available (including some even I would hesitate to approach).
Here's wishing you all a wonderful weekend.

Monday, February 4, 2013

My Book On Amazon Kindle, Finally

So, I finally came to terms with the Kindle upload process, or it came to terms with me.  On my knees to the Kindle Gods, I have launched "Of Unicorns And Pegasuses," my first novel in the Kindle format.  It is live, now, and is to be initially offered as a FREE download on Monday (today!) and Tuesday.  I am still waiting (nervously) for that to actually happen, although the tiny print says that it can take several minutes to a few hours for this to truly occur.  Let's hope it happens without incident, soon.  I am anxious to see if everything looks right, especially after having to scrap one in-photo jpeg because it just absolutely would not load.  And just so that you can share in my frustration and wait with me (as if you don't have a life, already), here's where it is all supposed to happen: 

It's been a very long road to get to this point, but if it looks as good as the preview looked, it will all have been worth it.  I'm nervous, can you tell?  Gosh, it's like giving birth to a dragon, and trying not to get burned in the process!

Oh, and I just downloaded it!  Oh, FREE!!  And Oh!  At a quick glance, it looks perfect!!!  I think I'm happy, can you tell?  I hope you all enjoy it!

Post Addition:


I'm back and that was my landing (from floating on a cloud for the past couple of days). As most of you know, Monday and Tuesday were my debut free offering days of my digital download "Of Unicorns And Pegasuses," and then I had to celebrate. But I'm done now, and I have the numbers for those who are curious.

At the close of the free offering, there had been a total of... 254 downloads, worldwide. Some of these are the few faithful friends that can still tolerate me, and then there are those friends of friends, and I know I have TerryAnn to thank for many, and Elyn, Chris, Joyce, Ruby, Sheila, Danna, Gary, John, Shelly, and probably someone else that I have failed to mention.  I love my friends, truly!

254!!! When I was expecting 20, and I don't know what is normal or average for initial offerings of an unknown author, but I am thrilled. I went out to celebrate with a taco salad, and of course, couldn't find anyone to take with me (being Wednesday and also the loner life I live), so I brought it home and ate until I couldn't stay awake.  This post addition is to thank you all for this fabulous life event of mine.

Thank you all. It was nerve wracking, but worth it, every bit of it!

254!!! YAY!!!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Goodbye Lucifer by John Harold McCoy

I just got finished reading this and loved it so much, I'm going to recommend it highly to everyone!  If you are a Kindle user, it is available in that format, also.  A very fun and most enjoyable comedy, and such a hilarious adventure, I was truly sad when it was over.   And I'm ready for Volume 2!!!

Monday, January 7, 2013

The Novel Romance of the Song Writer

Ten days ago, a person by the name of guitar man came on the writer's site authonomy and introduce himself as a song writer who thought he might get inspired enough to possibly write a novel.  Something about his post spoke to the heart and soul of this used to be poet and want to be song writer, and so, he inspired me.  Two hours later, I posted what he inspired me to write.  Then, something must have happened, because he deleted himself from the site.  Now, I don't know whether someone was yanking my chain, or if I made him uncomfortable.  I hope he only got inspired and left the site to start his novel, however, when he left, he took his thread with him, and that which he inspired in me.  So, I'll share it here.

The Novel Romance of the Song Writer

You know how you get a tune in your head
And you really just can't shake it
You know it's trying to tell you something
But you really can't quite make it
It runs through your head all day and night
A relentless melody
You ignore all outside influence
Until it's all you can see

It's not the notes that sucker you in
Though at first you thought it true
Its actually the beat, the rhythm you feel
That really speaks to you
Still the tune will keep you company
As you work the beat in your head
From dawn to dusk and in between
And even in your bed

Then a moment in time, the flood breaks forth
And the words come flowing free
And nothing can stop you from writing it down
If you're anything at all like me
Then you wonder at the tunes that brought the words
And why they came and whence
And you work them around and change them until
They can't be recognized since

Beware the rhythm, you young song writer
What romances the heart and mind
For they'll tug at the soul of the writer in you
To the epic score you will find
With a grand crescendo you'll take pen in hand
And start to tell a tale
A ballad is what you planned to do
What shortly becomes a whale

Then before you know it, before you're aware
You're adding the in-betweens
The sentences that tell the whole, long story
Of detail in the scenes
No longer will you sit to write brief encounters
Of only two or three
Four, six, and eight, your characters will amount
As the novelist in you is set free.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

2013 and Welcome Uncle John

It's a brand new year!!!  And with the new year, I want to welcome Ask Uncle John to my honourable mentions list.  Please feel free to check out his link, and view a delightful excerpt from his new book "Sneaky Tricks, for snagging dates and meeting people," which he was nice enough to send me, signed, of course (along with two other books of his, signed).  "Sneaky Tricks" is a comical instructive guide on dating, with a lot of common sense mixed in.  Entertaining as it is educational, you will find the answers to most everything about dating that you never knew or even considered before you were told there was a manual.

I am now fully immersed in another of his books, "Goodbye Lucifer."  I will be back to give you a review of this (so far) hilarious story, after I have finished it and mulled it over in my mind.  Until then, check out his other offerings by clicking on his link and following his prompts!  I'm certain you'll enjoy his unique sense of humour.