Monday, February 4, 2013

My Book On Amazon Kindle, Finally

So, I finally came to terms with the Kindle upload process, or it came to terms with me.  On my knees to the Kindle Gods, I have launched "Of Unicorns And Pegasuses," my first novel in the Kindle format.  It is live, now, and is to be initially offered as a FREE download on Monday (today!) and Tuesday.  I am still waiting (nervously) for that to actually happen, although the tiny print says that it can take several minutes to a few hours for this to truly occur.  Let's hope it happens without incident, soon.  I am anxious to see if everything looks right, especially after having to scrap one in-photo jpeg because it just absolutely would not load.  And just so that you can share in my frustration and wait with me (as if you don't have a life, already), here's where it is all supposed to happen: 

It's been a very long road to get to this point, but if it looks as good as the preview looked, it will all have been worth it.  I'm nervous, can you tell?  Gosh, it's like giving birth to a dragon, and trying not to get burned in the process!

Oh, and I just downloaded it!  Oh, FREE!!  And Oh!  At a quick glance, it looks perfect!!!  I think I'm happy, can you tell?  I hope you all enjoy it!

Post Addition:


I'm back and that was my landing (from floating on a cloud for the past couple of days). As most of you know, Monday and Tuesday were my debut free offering days of my digital download "Of Unicorns And Pegasuses," and then I had to celebrate. But I'm done now, and I have the numbers for those who are curious.

At the close of the free offering, there had been a total of... 254 downloads, worldwide. Some of these are the few faithful friends that can still tolerate me, and then there are those friends of friends, and I know I have TerryAnn to thank for many, and Elyn, Chris, Joyce, Ruby, Sheila, Danna, Gary, John, Shelly, and probably someone else that I have failed to mention.  I love my friends, truly!

254!!! When I was expecting 20, and I don't know what is normal or average for initial offerings of an unknown author, but I am thrilled. I went out to celebrate with a taco salad, and of course, couldn't find anyone to take with me (being Wednesday and also the loner life I live), so I brought it home and ate until I couldn't stay awake.  This post addition is to thank you all for this fabulous life event of mine.

Thank you all. It was nerve wracking, but worth it, every bit of it!

254!!! YAY!!!

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